(940) 566-3232


1432 Underwood St

Denton, TX 76201 US

(940) 566-3232

(940) 382-1604

Can a Chiropractor Help Treat Personal Injuries?

personal injury

A chiropractor is a health care professional who focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Chiropractors, like those found at Denton Chiropractic Center in Denton, TX, use various techniques to help treat personal injuries, including spinal manipulation, soft tissue manipulation, and exercises.

Why Is Chiropractic Care a Good Option for Treating Work Injuries?

Chiropractic care for work injuries is a good option for treating neck, back, and other musculoskeletal problems.

A chiropractor can treat many types of work injuries. These include back and neck injuries, repetitive strain injuries, and musculoskeletal injuries. Chiropractors can also help to relieve pain from conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis.

Is Chiropractic Care Good for Injuries Outside of Work?

Additionally, chiropractic care can be used for non-work-related pain management. Conditions that chiropractors may treat include headaches, neck pain, and sciatica. Chiropractors even treat car accident injuries.

What Are Chiropractic Treatments Used to Treat Personal Injuries?

Active Release Technique

Active Release Technique (ART) is a type of soft tissue therapy that may be used to treat soft tissue injuries. In ART, the chiropractor gently stretches the soft tissue around the injury and then slowly applies slight pressure to release the strained tissue.

Myofascial Release

The treatment of myofascial pain syndrome often involves myofascial release. This condition is characterized by tightness and sensitivity in your myofascial tissues. Your body's muscles are surrounded and supported by these tissues. "Trigger points" are located within your myofascial tissues and are responsible for causing pain.

Drop-Table Technique

The chiropractic drop-table technique is a spinal manipulative therapy that uses a specialized table to deliver a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust to the vertebrae. This therapy aims to restore normal alignment and motion to the spine. This technique is most often used to treat conditions such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis.

How to Get Chiropractic Treatment for Personal Injuries

If you're looking for quality chiropractic care in Denton, TX, look no further than the Denton Chiropractic Center. Our experienced chiropractors can help with pain management and various other issues. Call 940-566-3232 today to schedule an appointment.