(940) 566-3232


1432 Underwood St

Denton, TX 76201 US

(940) 566-3232

(940) 382-1604

Proper Ergonomics to Improve Posture

5 Tips to Correct Poor Posture and Relieve Back Pain from Our Denton Chiropractor

Poor posture can lead to intense back pain, discomfort, and more serious conditions down the line. Fortunately, back pain can be lessened or even resolved with the following tips.

1. Practice Proper Posture

As with anything, practice makes perfect. The more you practice proper posture, the more natural it becomes. Proper posture means the following:

  • Your chin should be parallel to the ground.
  • Your bodyweight should be evenly distributed on both feet with knees pointing straight.
  • Your shoulders should be rolled back and down to make sure they’re even.
  • Your spine should be neutral.

It’s helpful to set an hourly alarm to do a posture correction check. Over time, it will become more second nature to you.

2. Adjust Your Office Space

An office can be incredibly hazardous to your posture. It’s important that you set your office up efficiently. The following tips can help:

  • Your computer monitor should be at eye level. If it cannot be for some reason, the screen needs to be tilted in such a way that your head can stay straight.
  • Your back should comfortably lie against the back of the chair. Investing in a good adjustable chair can help make this happen. Also, consider a neck pillow and lumbar support to prevent slouching and straining.
  • Your shoulders should be rolled back and down, and your feet should be flat on the floor. If necessary, a footstool can be used.

3. Use Ergonomic Resources

There are many things that impact posture and back health, including things we carry with us every day. For example, traditional purses and backpacks aren’t designed with health in mind, and the weight and lack of support can induce poor posture.

However, you can purchase backpacks and purses with ergonomics in mind. Keep in mind also that lumbar support and neck pillows are great for driving and sitting at home, too.

4. Exercises

The stronger the muscles, the easier it is to support the spine. A regular exercise program that strengthens and tones muscles while eliminating excess weight can be beneficial for your posture.

5. Visit Your Chiropractor

Chiropractic care can go a long way in treating poor posture. The treatment might include lifestyle changes, massaging muscles and soft tissue, stretches, chiropractic manipulation, and more, depending on your needs.

Get Posture Correction Treatment and Back Pain Relief at Denton Chiropractic

Don’t let poor posture ruin your life. Give our team a call today at (940) 566-3232 to schedule your posture correction treatment.